Attitudes and Beliefs: A Quick Reality Check

Performance measurement, no doubt, influences beliefs. That’s why performance measurement results have inherent value, especially in these days of accountability and evidence-based decision making. However, we need to keep in mind that even well-established conclusions based on sound performance measurement may not lead to changes in policy, programs or procedures. Why?

Answer: Because policymakers view performance measurement data in conjunction with compelling testimony from ordinary citizens and stakeholders, newspaper articles, and politics. We may emphasize performance measurement data, but others may not. Even when policymakers embrace performance measurement, they need to balance multiple competing demands for resources, including the attentions of court leaders and managers. That’s just the way it is, and it’s unlikely to change.

We need to work well in this reality. We need to recognize it and be deliberate about reversing the negative attitudes and breaking down the resistances to performance measurement.
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